Did you make any business resolutions when the clock struck midnight last New Year’s Eve? Have you kept those resolutions, or have they already fallen by the wayside? Don’t worry.
It’s never too late to make your resolutions!
When it comes to managing your business, making and keeping New Year’s resolutions can be as important as that 2-to-5-year-strategic business plan you hold dear. Of course, now that the first quarter is in the rearview mirror and you are staring at Q2, you’ll scrutinize your earnings statements, worry about cash flow and analyze bad debt. But what about your resolutions? Now is the perfect time to review what you said you’d do and examine what you have achieved. A regular quarterly review of your goals is recommended.
Even if you haven’t yet made much headway toward accomplishing your resolutions and goals, you still have time to realize them by year’s end.
Resolutions worth sticking to:
Improve employee morale – This does not have to be a large monetary investment. A “thank you” note and an “attaboy” or “attagirl” can go a long way. Studies show that workers just want to feel appreciated and needed, not taken for granted.
Increase brand awareness and recognition – Generate and tell more stories across multiple media platforms about how your business is impacting your customers and the communities in which you serve.
Bolster your social media presence – Hire an outside firm to establish a social media strategy for you and then create and monitor content for each of your platforms.
The point is: It is never too late to resolve to realize your resolutions.
Set a goal.
Develop a plan.
Move into action.
Every journey begins with one step. Just keep stepping and you’ll keep your resolutions and reach your goals.
Gay Marriage Upheld by Supreme Court in Close Ruling By ADAM LIPTAK Published: June 26, 2015 The decision came against the backdrop of fast-moving changes in public opinion, with polls indicating that most Americans now approve of same-sex marriage … As first seen in the New York Times: http://nyti.ms/1GNITGN
Lots of time has been spent studying and targeting Millennials, people born between 1980 and 2000, but look out, Generation Z is quickly making their presence known.
Gender pronouns (like she, him, or they, among others) specifically refer to people that you are talking about. Every person has pronouns, and an individual’s own preferred pronouns are chosen by themselves.
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