I say to you today, we have too many guns, wars and bombs. We need to have peace in the world.
I have a dream that children could go to school without being afraid of being unsafe.
I have a dream that we will use words instead of guns to settle our differences.
I have a dream that people will stop using bombs to hurt our peers.
I have a dream that we will have no more war with one another.
I have a dream that we will stop being fools and will stop selling violent things such as guns and grenades.
I have a dream that people will put down their weapons.
This is my dream … that children won’t be afraid to go to school, that we will stop using guns and bombs, that selling guns will be illegal and that we will have no more wars with each other.
13% of all wine produced globally is consumed by Americans – making the U.S. the world’s largest wine market. 29 inches is the current the level of Lakes Huron and Michigan – the lowest water levels in history. 500 million birds are killed by cats each year in the U.S. according to a study at the…
“When people talk, listen completely.” –Ernest Hemingway www.eimpactconsulting.com Your strategic communication, marketing, brand management and public relations partner.
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” — Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, December 10, 1964 www.eimpactconsulting.com Your strategic communication, marketing, brand management and public relations partner.
American Express’ Open Forum has identified three simple facts to keep in mind when targeting female consumers via the Internet. Women are more likely to purchase brands they follow. Women use social media to connect different aspects of their lives. Different women, different method. No “one-size-fits-all” approach. Did you know? Women aged 50 and older control…
“It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers.” – Author & Poet, James Thurber www.eimpactconsulting.com Your strategic communication, marketing, brand management and public relations partner.
600:1 is estimated ratio of cicadas bugs to people on the U.S. East coast. The bugs will emerge by the billions this summer, after spending 17 years underground. 4,378% more American women are choosing under-arm, plastic surgery since 2000. In a recent survey, 31% said they most admire Michelle Obama’s arms. A 70 million-year-old Tyrannosaurus…