networking new-school moves

Networking New-School Moves and Old-School Tactics

As leadership roles move from one generation to the next, the newest cadre of trailblazers has brought us innovative, creative and effective ways to network. That said, there are still plenty of evergreen principles all great networkers need to carry forward. Read on for networking new-school moves and old-school tactics.

Here’s a quick rundown of both new-school moves and classic tactics for millennial entrepreneurs, aspiring magnates and old-heads who could benefit from a networking refresher course. Looking to grow your network? Read on for networking new school moves and old-school tactics.

Networking New-School Move – Be Social Media Savvy

Years ago, contacting anyone outside of formal channels was at best, inappropriate and at worst, a stain on your reputation. Today, it’s both acceptable and in many cases advisable to stretch your network. Networking new school move – use social media to make introductions, ask for assistance and pitch your services. With these digital platforms, millennials have ushered in an era of broader access to experts, influencers, celebrities and big-name companies. Take advantage of this networking new school move and master at least two social media networking channels!

Networking Old-School Tip: Get Out There!

Actual face time – not the app – is unmatched when it comes to networking. While e-introductions are valid and useful, it’s difficult to leave a lasting impression without connecting cara-a-cara. Need to grow your businesses and expand your circle of influence? Find the nearest networks, organizations, and events relevant to your brand or business goal. Identify associations that your clients belong to and get out there. If the associations are not nearby, plan to travel and meet with folks at least twice a year. Take double the amount of business cards you think you’ll need! Practice this tactic and add it to your networking new-school move and old-school tip bucket.

New-School Move: Message First, Meet Later

Now that we can reach people 24/7 without interrupting their daily schedules, unsolicited phone calls are all but dead – especially when contacting influencers, leaders, and C-suite executives. Try emailing or social-media messaging for an initial introduction. For cold calls/contacts, make the message public; private messages are considered invasive, and most platforms don’t offer the option between strangers. Get permission before texting, as some people consider texts as urgent messages that require immediate attention.


Classic Tactic – Keep it Simple

Even if you never meet a contact in person, you will eventually connect online with them or someone that they know. Don’t overcomplicate yourself, your life or your online profile.  You can be whoever you want online – and that’s a double-edged sword. While it is essential to present your brand or business in the best light, resist the urge to embellish or over-promise. Keep all digital assets uniform and simple. Make sure the information is consistent across the web, accessible, appealing, and most importantly, accurate.


Follow these networking new-school moves and old-school tactics and your network is sure to take you to another level of connectivity.

Please be sure to let me know how you used the tips in this blog.  We are here to help your business grow and tell your stories.


Talk soon!

Cheryl McCants, Your Marketing Momma


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