Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing and Communication Plans in a Few Simple Steps

If you’ve been following our blogs, you know that we’ve been talking about strategic marketing and communication plans.  We’ve given basic definitions and defined and discussed marketing and communication, and explained how a strategic marketing and communication plan can boost your bottom line. Now, let’s make a plan for your business. If you haven’t already,…

marketing and communication

Marketing and Communication Strategy – The Basics

A business is only as good as its ability to clearly and succinctly tell its story. A business’ bottom line is only as good as the businesses’ ability to engage with customers and clients. So, whether you’re selling witty T-shirts or championing rainforest conservation, effective marketing and communication skills are imperative parts of your enterprise….

Be Resilient

Lead Like an Olympian

Lead Like an Olympian Part 2 Female athletes from this year’s Summer Olympics dominated their sports, exemplified keen leadership skills and smashed glass ceilings all around Rio. In part two of this three-part series, I will talk about ways to Lead Like an Olympian – why it pays to be resilient, remain confident and keep…


Briefing by the Numbers

$95 is the cost of Magic Kingdom’s one-day-ticket new price, $5 more other Disney parks. $272,000 is the signing bonus for new Army psychiatrists willing to serve in uniform for four years. 63 is the number of letters in “Rindfleischetikettierungsuberwachungsaufgabenubertragungsgesetz”,a beef-labeling law and the longest word in German until new regulations made it obsolete. $26,000…