Storytelling Tips

Storytelling Tips

Storytelling Tips for Public Agencies While some public agencies work diligently to keep the masses informed of their activities and campaigns, oftentimes their efforts miss the engagement mark. Amid tons of data, legalese and other required messages, people frequently don’t understand what agencies are saying. In addition to distributing confusing messages, there are also those…


Briefing by the Numbers

$95 is the cost of Magic Kingdom’s one-day-ticket new price, $5 more other Disney parks. $272,000 is the signing bonus for new Army psychiatrists willing to serve in uniform for four years. 63 is the number of letters in “Rindfleischetikettierungsuberwachungsaufgabenubertragungsgesetz”,a beef-labeling law and the longest word in German until new regulations made it obsolete. $26,000…