Is laughter an integral part of your daily routine? What do you engage in to ensure a little bit of laughter in your day? How do you spend your downtime? Me, I love to watch competitive cooking shows. In most every recipe the chef calls for a “pinch” of something. That pinch can be the difference between a delicious culinary masterpiece resulting in a cash prize or some other award, and an epic cooking flop.
When establishing your company’s culture, carefully consider the ingredients included in your company’s recipe for success. Your culture – the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices, directly impacts your bottom line. I have found that a little bit of laughter results in positive employee morale, first class customer service, and fierce brand loyalty. What is the “pinch” ingredient that you include in your recipe to achieve and sustain excellence?
What about a pinch of laughter?
Over the
past 30 years of operation, we at Impact Consulting have discovered that a little
bit of laughter helps us attain our ambitious and audacious strategic business
objectives. Laughter helps us produce business-generating, award-winning
stories, marketing campaigns, and public relations initiatives for our clients.
Make no
mistake, Team Impact is rock steady, serious, and deliberate about everything
we do. Yet, we can find humor in most all circumstances.
They say
laughing is good for the soul. Scientists have proven that laughter is good for
your heart – and losing weight (LOL). And,
as the late, great poet and activist Maya Angelou said, “Don’t trust anyone who
doesn’t laugh.”
Laughter – the secret ingredient in every great business recipe. Think about adding a pinch of it to your company’s culture.
Women over 50 are standing tall on a majestic mountaintop looking out at innumerable possibilities for the rest of their lives. Entrepreneurship is a possibility for our success and satisfaction.
If you’ve been following our blogs, you know that we’ve been talking about strategic marketing and communication plans. We’ve given basic definitions and defined and discussed marketing and communication, and explained how a strategic marketing and communication plan can boost your bottom line. Now, let’s make a plan for your business. If you haven’t already,…
View image | We have all heard about the gender wage gap, how women typically earn around 78% of what their male counterparts do. Unfortunately, this statistic is fairly consistent across the board, and during wage gap discussions, the issues of women in business, movies and television are brought up most frequently. One…